Camp 36th.. Regt.. Iowa Vols
Little Rock Arks Jan.. 19th.. 1864
Most Respected Friend Han..

it is with much Pleasure that I take the Present Oppertunity of writing you a few lines in Answer to yours of the 28th.. inst which was Recd.. a few days ago with Pleasure.. I am well at this Present time & I hope that when this Reaches you that it may find you well,, the Boys are Generaly well at the Present Will P. is Absent at this time He is gone on a Forageing Expedition He Has Bin gone 6 days I look for Him Back to morrow I will tell you that Siri?? Scott Started Home on last Saturday He will most likely Reach Home Ere this Reaches you & He can tell you all the News from Little Rock..

Well Han.. I will tell you that I See a Rebel Spy Hyng Here on the 8th.. inst He was caught going out Past our Picket Guards & was arrested & Examined & Papers of Importance to the Rebels found in His Possession & He was Brought Back & Court martialed & Sentenced to Be Hung Dead By the neck & on the 8th.. He was Executed in the Presence of Some Good Persons His Name was David. O. Dodd..

Well Han.. I Haave No News of Interest to write at the Present I will tell that most all the Old Troops Have Reenlisted the 77th.. Ohio Inftry & 3d.. Iowa Cav.. & 10th.. Ill Cav.. Have Reenlisted & gone Home on Furlough the 1st.. Iowa Cav.. Have most all Reenlisted & will go Home on Furlough in March Capt Andersons old Co.. Have most all Reenlisted all of Our Acquaintences Have Reenlisted Except Jim Forman Blair Reitzel & Isaac Jones.. Troops Has to Be in the Service 2 years Before they can Reenlist Therefore the 36th.. can not Reenlist for 6 months yet
For my part I think 3 years Plenty long for one man to Serve when there is Plenty of Torries up North that Should Be Drafted.

Well Han.. you Stated that I need not Be Surprised to see Lile come Down to our Co.. I would Be some surprised If He Should come tho I would love to Have all good Boys with us But still I would advise Him to Remain at Home & let them Draft Some of them Home Torries---------

Well Han.. you Stated that you had a Pretty Dry Christmas up Home well Indeed I Hope that you Had a merry time on Newyears Day Well let me tell you that we Had a Pretty Dry time Here on Christmas & Newyears Days

No Roasted Turkey for Dinner Nor Visitors to See us But we Stay at our Camps thinking of Home & of old times & Hopeing for Happier Days to Come Suffice it to Say that those two Noted Days was as other days in th Army of Arks..------------------------

Well Han.. I Have my Paper Nearly Filled & I Have not written Half that I could If I Had Room But I cannot tell you all with my Pen for If I did I would load Down the Mails..

Well I must close for this time Please write Soon & write all the News & Particulars & Please Excuse this Ill composed letter & my Poor writing & I will try & Do Better in the Future

From you Friend & well wisher

Newton Scott

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