HD Quarters Co. E. 2nd Regt Arkansas A. D.
Camp Prentifs Helena ArksTo Miss Han. M. Cone
Dear Friend
I will Inform you with Pleasure that I am well at the Present & I Hope that when this Reaches you that it may find you well I Recd. your letter written May 18th to day I was Glad to Hear from you & that you was well If the letter was writen amonth ago the letter Has Bin to the 30th Iowa Below Vicksburg on account of the Directions not Being Plain. I will Inform you that I Have left the 36th Iowa I left on the 10th inst I am Appointed Ordy Sergt in the 2nd Regt Arks Vols A. D. the A. D. means African Devils Jacob Elder is Capt of my Co. & David M Warren is 1st. LieutYou Better Beleive that I Have Some Big times with the Darkies. My Duties are much easyer Here than the Duties of a Private Soldier I loose no Sleep & Have no Garding to do
Our Regt is about 300 Strong at Present & will Soon Be full & then I Exspect that we will Go South to Vicksburg Port Hudson or New Orleans
I would love to Be at Home with My Friends But So long as this war last & I Remain in Good Health I Exspect to Stay in the Service & If it Should End Soon I may Stay longer But the Future Can only tell Comeing Events
Well Han I will Inform you that I & Will Had our Pictures taken & Sent one Each to you & Manda By Luint Walker I Suppose that you Have Recd. them Ere this time & when you write again Please tell me If I look anything like the little White-Headed Boy that used to Visit Mifs Hattie Kester
Well Han. you must Excuse my Foolishness For you Know that I allways would gab I See Will P yesterday He was well we are Camped about 1 1/2 mile from the 36th Iowa I pay them a visit every day or two.. I will tell you that the weather is Getting Pretty Warm Down Here now & you may Be Shure that I Stay in the Shade as much as Possible
You Spoke a word or two in Refference to my Darling Hattie & that the Cavalry Boy would Be to fast for me there But If He is I cannot Help it But will Cry If I can Shed a tear. You Speak verry excittingly about your Sabbath School I am Glad to Hear that you are Haveing Such Good times & only wish that I was there with you all to Enjoy the Pleasures of Home & Friends But I can not & Smile not Grumble about it But Do the Best that I can
- - - - - - - -Well Han I Believe that I Have writen all worth writing at the Present We Have no News from Vicksburg or Below of Interest at the Present more than you Have Heard- - - - - - -
Now Han Haveing Sent you my Picture I will make one Request of you & that is I wish you & Amanda to Have you Pictures taken Both on one Plate If you can get Good ones that way & If not Have them taken Single & Send to me I wrote to Manda the Same Amanda will Pay the Exspense
I will Close for the Present Please give my love to all & Reserve a share for your Self I will give you my address on a nother Piece of Paper & Please write Soon & Direct-Plain
In Friendship love & truth
I am verry Respectfully yoursNewton Scott
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