Helena Arks August the 11th 1863
To Miss H. M. ConeDear Friend
I will Inform you with Pleasure that I am well at the Present & I Hope that when this Reaches you that it may find you well I Have Rec. no letter from you Since the one you Sent By Dr Ivens But I Hope that I will Rec. a letter soon
W. P. is well & the Boys are Generaly well I Beleive at this time I will Inform you that we will leave Helena to Day at 3 oclock on a march through Arks I Suppose that we will go to Little Rock & likely to Texas
We are agoing to have a Pretty long march & the weather is verry warm Down HereI do not Know the No of troops that will leave Helena with us But suppose about 5000 & we will join Gen Davidson about 25 miles from Here & He Has Some 7000 Cavalry Suffice it to Say that old Price Has to leave Arks or give us Battle I Exspect that we will Have a fight with Him at little Rock or near that Place If we Do we will Do the verry best that we can for Him.---
After we leave Here I Exspect that it will Be Some time Ere we Rec. any mail I Have no Idiea How Soon that the mail will Reach us & we will Seldom Have the opportunity of Sending any letters Back But Suffice it to Say that I will write as often as I can & I wish you to write Soon & Direct as Before
Well Han I have Nothing of much interest to write to you at Present But I will try & do Better next time
W. P. is agoing to Drive a team He will not get to write Home Before we Start
Every thing is Excitement in Camp at Present they are Pulling Down the tents & I Have to Quit writing to Help themI will close for the present
My love to all & Reserve a share for your self
In Hast yours trulyNewton Scott
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