[View an image of this document. (828 k)]Saint Charles Arks.
August 18th.. 1865Dear Parents
Yours of the 3rd.. Inst is Recd.. "Was glad to hear from you & that you was all well.. "This day finds me Enjoying verry good health "had two chills Some time ago.. but think I have them Broke on me now.. "to morrow will be my 14th.. day & I am still Serveing my Bottle of Bitters & hope by So doing to remain clear of the chills & fevers
"health in the Co. is only Tolerbly good at this time although better than a few days ago.. " they Shake by releifs. "for my Part I went to the Store & Bought me Some Whiskey at $1.00 a pt & alot of *illegible* & have been Doing my own Doctoring & I feel about as well as usual for the Past few days.. "Although I may chill again Soon but hope not..
"Was glad to hear that my clothes had arrived home.. "but think them Agents had better took the Box for Pay for the charged verry unreasonble for the Exspressage.. one of the boys Sent a box at the Same time with me that Weighs 60 lbs & they only charged him $5.85 but then I suppose it to be about as much Trouble to send a Small Box as one that is larger..
"Well I exspect that you are looking for the old 35th.. Iowa Co return home as all other Iowa Regts both the Vets & non Vets have returned.. "but you have not See the 36th.. at home yet.. nor have we any word as yet how Soon we will get home..
"don't look to be Musterd out Sooner than the Middle of next month.. "think Probably we will get home some time between this & Christmas..
"I think our Much esteemed & Dearbeloved Lt Col.. Brevet Brig Genl F. M. Drake is the whole cause of us being Detained in the Service.. the boys at the Regt are Down on him heavey & they have threatend his life..
& for my Part If I thought my Prayers would be Answered I should have.. have.. *sic* him Suddenly Disposed off..
"Well I have nothing of Interest to relate to day.. the weather has been verry warm here while Day before yesterday it turned cold & still remains likewise & hope it will continue to During our Stay in this Rackensack country..
"Well tell you that one of our boys See a large Bear out in the Bottoms on yesterday & thought there to be two other ones not far off.. and this morn Some 4 or 8 of the Co.. have gone out to Investigate the case.. have not came in yet.. Will tell you If the have a fight with old Bruin..
Well I beleive that I have told you all for to day.. the Mail leaves to morrow evening.. will not Seal my letter to day If any thing of Interest Transpires ere that time will write a few lines more ere I seal this letter.. Plese write Soon & tell me all the News & p need not be afraid to write for fear of me Starting home for one or Two letters will be but little loss If I should never See them for you may be sure that I always love to hear from home.. "Just So Soon as we get orders to Muster out I will let you know Immediatily If Well & there is any Mail Boat going to Memphis ere we do.. Will close for to day hopeing this may find you one & all in the best of health & hopeing to hear from you Soon.
"My love to all.. "Yours verry Respectfully
Newton Scott
To Hullum Scott & Family
N.B. Will Send you a Pattern of the 7th.. army corps Badge.. "I have one of Pure Silver..
August 19th 1865
Dear Parents
Since writing the Enclosed letter on yesterday the 18th Capt. Porter Recd. a Telagram from Major Hamilton Comdg 36th Iowa vols at Devalls Bluffs To Proceed him Self or Send Lieut Law with two clerks by first Boat to Devalls Bluffs To Make Muster out Rolls for Co. having orders for the Muster out of our Regt... "Well Indeed that was good news for Co. A.. "News that we have wished for verry many times During the Past three months.. Lieut Law, W.H. Phelps, and my Self is ordered to Proceed to the Bluffs by first Boat for the above named Purposes.. The Regular Mail Boat will be up tomorrow evening. "We will go up on that Boat unless one Should Come Sooner.. "It will take us Some 3 or 4 days to make out the Rolls I think we will get away from by the first of Sept at farthest and think we will get home about the 15th of Sept "we all have the option of takeing our guns home with us by Paying Six Dollars apiece for them.. "Some 25 of Co. A. will take there guns home..
I shall not take my gun home for it would be of no use to me whatever."well I believe that I have nothing more of Interest to write today.. Will write again Probaly ere I get home.. you need not write any more and tell C*?*, Bud, & John not to write to me.. and you can tell the Friends of the 36th Iowa vols to cease writing to the boys for we will most Probaly leave Arkansas for home in Ten days..
"well I will close for to day hopeing Soon to See you one and all good Friends.. "My love to all..
Beleive me as ever
Yours verry Respectfully
Newton ScottTo Hullum Scott..
&d Family..
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